Made for TV
With his attack dog at the photo op
The mad king spouted Russian agitprop
And boasted he would get great TV ratings
For his undiplomatic staged bear-baiting.
The dog Vance snarled and nipped like a tough guy
And cornered our Ukrainian ally
Zelenskyy, who was trying not to be baited.
When King Trump poked him by saying he hated
Vlad Putin, who, the king made very clear,
Was a long-time good friend whom he held dear,
Zelenskyy said that Vlad could not be trusted,
At which the king got angry and disgusted.
How could you not trust one like Putin, who
Had stuck with his friend Trump as they went through
The Russia, Russia, Russia, influence hoax
Together? In the king’s mind, that evoked
The last time that Zelenskyy had defied him
And under pressure had firmly denied him
The made-up Joe and Hunter Biden dirt.
The king, recalling, was still mad and hurt
And ordered Little Marco, loyal knight,
To escort Pres. Zelenskyy from his sight.
The free-world diplomatic repercussions
Of this carefully staged hostile discussion
Confirmed the worst fears of US allies—
That Trump was telling all of them goodbye
And leaving them alone now to maintain
Whatever support they could give to Ukraine.
The Russians, who were watching on TV,
With Tass transmitting to them directly,
Were also confirmed in their expectation—
That Trump’s allied with Putin and their nation.
Ukrainians were angry and afraid,
Proud of Zelenskyy, whom the king betrayed.